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Why "return false" doesn't work?

importance: 3

Why in the code below return false doesn’t work at all?

  function handler() {
    alert( "..." );
    return false;

<a href="" onclick="handler()">the browser will go to</a>

The browser follows the URL on click, but we don’t want it.

How to fix?

When the browser reads the on* attribute like onclick, it creates the handler from its content.

For onclick="handler()" the function will be:

function(event) {
  handler() // the content of onclick

Now we can see that the value returned by handler() is not used and does not affect the result.

The fix is simple:

  function handler() {
    return false;

<a href="" onclick="return handler()"></a>

Also we can use event.preventDefault(), like this:

  function handler(event) {

<a href="" onclick="handler(event)"></a>